• Our Curriculum

    We aim to lay the groundwork for the next generation of global citizens and confident individuals, while fostering a love of learning.

    Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory forms the backbone of our curriculum. Our facilities and teaching philosophy have been developed over 10 of experience and the input of many exceptional Chinese and International teachers, parents and education professionals. Through the “Eight Smarts” of body, sound, logic, word, design, art, people, self and nature, we tailor our learning environment to support each child’s unique abilities and special talents. Our focus on active learning through play, imagination and social interaction nurtures the growth of critical thinking and social competences.

    Learning Stages

    Learning Framework

    Muffy's Teachers understand that all children need a diverse, interactive and multisensory experience to learn and thrive. Continued professional development is required by all teachers to ensure their knowledge is current and comprehensive.

    Our teachers expose each child to a wide assortment of activities that allow them to become active participants in their learning journey. We understand that every student is different and we aim to create lessons that access multiple areas of intelligence.

    We also encourage our students to build independence and self-directed learning skills through the use of ‘learning centers’. Learning centers allow children to investigate, explore and become self-motivated in their education. Learning centers are changed frequently to ensure maximum engagement and are created to access the 8 different smarts.

    Throughout the school year our teacher will explore a variety of themes with their students. Themes help students to build an understanding of the world around them and gain vocabulary and understanding without using rote memorization.

    Word Smart

    This domain encompasses the development of receptive language skills, the expression of information, thoughts and ideas, as well as discrimination of objects, letters, and numbers.

    People and Self Smart

    This domain includes the development of self-esteem and meaningful social interaction. Important components of this domain are the abilities to interact with adults and peers, express feelings and emotions, develop self-awareness and self-worth and demons

    Logic Smart

    This domain includes the development of abstract conceptualization, visual and mental organization, as well as the ability to form reasoned inferences from life experiences.

    Body Smart

    This domain encompasses motor functioning; including muscle control, body coordination and locomotion. Fine and gross motor skills as well as perceptual motor functioning are key elements of this domain.

    Design Smart

    This domain includes the development of imagination, spatial awareness, and positive thinking about the unknown. Creative expression through the fine arts, the 5 senses, and spatial awareness are key elements of development in this domain.

    Nature Smart

    Included in this domain is the exploration of the natural and technological world and development of observation and analysis skills.